Privacy Policy

We have taken technical and organisational measures to ensure that both we at the Ministry as well as our external service providers fully comply with the relevant data protection regulations.

As our websites continue to be developed and new technologies are implemented, changes to this privacy statement may become necessary. We therefore recommend reading this Privacy Notice at regular intervals.

The Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs attaches utmost priority to responsible handling of personal data. It is important to us that you know when we collect which data and how we process this data.

Data controller

The Federal Minister for European and International Affairs is responsible for data processing at the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In addition and within the meaning of the GDPR, the respective Austrian representation authority abroad is responsible for data processing activities by authorities conferred by law to the competent Austrian representation authorities.

Purpose and legal basis

The Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs processes data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, Regulation (EU) of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC) and the Austrian Data Protection Act (Bundesgesetz über den Schutz personenbezogener Daten, Federal Act concerning the Protection of Personal Data, Federal Law Gazette I No. 165/1999 as amended).

Unless otherwise explicitly stated, the legal basis for the storing and processing of personal data by the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs is the Bundesministeriengesetz 1986 (Austrian Federal Ministries Act of 1986,  Federal Law Gazette No. 76/1986 as amended), Part  1 of the Appendix to § 2 (inter alia: matters of information concerning the department, including communication with the press, radio and television) and/or Part 2 of the Appendix to §2 (matters of foreign affairs, unless within the responsibility of a different Federal Ministry, and matters of integration).

Data processing at the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs

Web presence of the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs
Website in general

The purpose of data processing via the website of the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs is to provide information concerning the department (within the meaning of the Austrian Federal Ministries Act of 1986, Part  1 of the Appendix to § 2, matters of information concerning the department, including communication with the press, radio and television). The relevant legal basis is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit a GDPR (consent). By using the website and/or content made available by the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, you, as user, have given consent to processing data within the meaning of this Privacy Notice.

Data that has been logged when visiting the website of the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs will only be disclosed to third parties if required by law or by a court ruling, or if this becomes necessary for the purposes of legal action or prosecution in the event of attacks on the internet infrastructure.   

Server logs

Each time you visit the website of the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, the following data is recorded and saved in a log file (server logs) for a limited period of time:

  • IP address of the visitor
  • details of the request (e.g. user agent) and target address including GET parameters
  • name of the requested file and amount of data transmitted
  • date and time of the retrieval
  • report on the success of the retrieval
  • form data (POST body), if an error occurs during sending 

This data is used exclusively to monitor system security. There is no person-related analysis or evaluation of this data nor will user profiles be created.

In the event of attacks on the internet infrastructure of the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs we nevertheless reserve the right to analyse your IP address.


Cookies are small text files stored on the computer of the user visiting the website that enable the website to recognise users on their next visit. Information contained in cookies is used to manage web sessions, balance server loads or as analysis tools (Google Analytics) and to increase our applications’ security as well as their adaptability and operability. This enables us to optimise our website’s user-friendliness. No personal data is stored in cookies.

You may disable the use of cookies by de-activating the relevant setting in your browser software. Your refusal to accept cookies will generally not impact your ability to use our website. 

Analysis tool Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies“, i.e. text files that are stored on your computer and enable analysis of your use of this website. Information on your use of this website generated by the cookie is generally transmitted to a Google server in the USA where it is also stored. However, as IP anonymisation is activated on this website, your IP address is shortened prior to this by Google within the Member States of the European Union or in other contracting states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. On behalf of this website’s operator, Google will use this information in order to evaluate your use of the website, compile reports on website activity and provide further services relating to website and internet usage to the website operator. The IP address transmitted by your browser in the context of the services provided by Google Analytics is not merged with other Google data. You may deactivate the storage of cookies by selecting the relevant setting in your browser software. We would, however, like to inform you that you may in this case not be able to fully use all of this website’s functions. You may prevent Google both from collecting the data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website (including your IP address) and also from processing this data by downloading and installing the following browser plugin (please see link). Link to Google Optout

Publication of information containing personal data

Subject to the explicit consent of the data subjects, personal data (for instance details of members of committees and working groups, media contacts etc.) is published on the information pages of the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs for the purpose of establishing contact and enabling networking. In individual cases, data is published in the interest of public information (for instance on members of advisory councils, reports on state visits etc.).

The legal basis for publishing personal data in press releases in the public interest is formed by Article 6 Para. 1 lit. e GDPR (information on the activities of the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs within the meaning of transparency in public administration).

The legal basis for publishing personal data in the Diplomatic Directory is formed by the Bundesministeriengesetz 1986 (Austrian Federal Ministries Act of 1986, Part 2 of the Appendix to § 2) and the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (Federal Law Gazette No. 66/1966 as amended).

Links to third-party websites

Our website contains links to third-party websites. We have no control over these providers’ compliance with data protection provisions.

Social media

The Federal Ministry for European an International Affairs uses social media and services (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Flickr) for the purpose of sharing information on its activities. Any publication of personal data on the social media is always subject to the individual data subject’s consent.

The Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs takes the ongoing discussion on data protection on social networks very seriously. To date, there is no final and conclusive legal decision on whether and to what extent all of the above networks offer their services in compliance with European data protection provisions. 

We would thus like to explicitly highlight that the services (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube und Flickr) used by the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs process their users’ data (for instance personal information, IP address etc.) in line with their privacy policies and use them for commercial purposes.

The Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs has no influence or control whatsoever over data collection and further use of data by the social networks mentioned above. Please use the information provided by the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs responsibly in the social media and read the respective providers’ data policy notices carefully prior to sharing your personal information on the networks. 

Requests and applications received via contact forms, email or post

Any personal data that you disclose to us via online forms, by email or by post (for instance when completing contact forms, or signing up for newsletters or events, or when providing input to questions) is handled responsibly by Ministry staff and is used exclusively in accordance with and for the purpose of handling your request and/or registration and/or application. For more detailed information on data protection, please refer to the respective website or application and/or information provided by the respective department.

Logging of business cases

The applications, requests, notifications, complaints and other communications you submit in paper or electronic form to the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs and any other business cases leading to administrative action are kept in accordance with the prescribed periods applicable to the retention of written records. In accordance with the Büroordnung 2004 (Office Rules of 2004, based on § 12 of the Federal Ministries Act of 1986), the discarding period for electronic files of the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs is generally ten years unless special statutory retention periods prevail. Your data is used exclusively for the purpose of processing your request and/or corresponding directly with you. After processing your business case, your data will neither be analysed, evaluated nor passed on to third parties.

Ordering information material

When ordering information material, brochures or products, you will be asked for your name and contact details. It is your decision whether or not you wish to provide this data to us. When placing an order, the personal data you have provided will be used exclusively to process this order. This includes the disclosure to distribution companies commissioned by the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs.

Invitation and event management

For the purpose of inviting interested persons to events, the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs collects their contact details. Until fulfilment of this purpose and in the case of repeated invitations, these persons’ contact data is processed with the consent of these individuals and until this consent is revoked. You may request deletion of your personal data from our contact database at any time.

Organisation of conferences

In the context of the tasks assigned to it under the Bundesministeriengesetz 1986 (Federal Ministries Act of 1986) including inter alia foreign policy, international law, representation in international organisations, matters concerning cultural relations with foreign countries, development cooperation and/or coordination of international development policy and matters concerning integration, the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs organises conferences and events and sends representatives to conferences or meetings organised by international organisations or other states. The legal basis for the processing of personal data in this context is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit c and e GDPR in conjunction with the Bundesministeriengesetz 1986 (Federal Ministries Act of 1986) and/or with other more specific legal or international law bases. The personal data processed will be deleted once the purpose has been fulfilled, or stored and/or archived to the extent required for documentation purposes in line with the statutory retention periods in accordance with the Büroordnung 2004  (Office Rules of 2004) based on § 12 the Federal Ministries Act 1986, in accordance with the Bundesgesetz über die Sicherung, Aufbewahrung und Nutzung von Archivgut des Bundes (Federal Act on the Safeguarding, Preservation and Use of Federal Archival Material) Federal Law Gazette I No. 162/1999 as amended, and the Bundesarchivgutverordnung (Federal Archival Material Ordinance) Federal Law Gazette II No. 367/2002. If required for data processing purposes, personal data will be forwarded to the authorities of the organising third country and/or to the organising international organisation. Within the meaning of Art. 49 Para. 1 lit d GDPR, the legal basis for transferring data is the public interest in representing the Republic of Austria vis-à-vis foreign states and other subjects of international law, including international organisations, as well as communication with the latter.

Newsletter, regular information and communications

The Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs shares information about its activities (including foreign policy, foreign cultural relations, development cooperation and integration) with interested persons by means of newsletters or regular communications in accordance with the  Bundesministeriengesetz 1986  (Federal Ministries Act of 1986), Federal Law Gazette No. 76/1986 as amended. Subject to your consent, your personal contact data will be processed for the purpose of sending this information. You may revoke your consent at any time and unsubscribe from our newsletters and communications.

Data processing at the Austrian representations abroad

Consular protection and assistance abroad

The provision of consular protection to Austrian nationals abroad (for instance in the event of illness, death or financial distress) and of consular protection measures in crisis areas are important tasks performed by the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs. The relevant legal basis is formed according to Art. 6 Para. 1 lit c GDPR by the Bundesministeriengesetz 1986 (Federal Ministries Act of 1986, Part 2 of the Appendix on § 2:  Protection of Austrian citizens abroad), the Gesetz über die Wahrnehmung konsularischer Aufgaben (Act on the Exercise of Consular Functions, Federal Law Gazette I No. 40/2019) and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (Federal Law Gazette No. 318/1969 : affording assistance and protection to members of the sending State).

The legal bases as defined in Art. 49 Para. 1 lit d and f GDPR for the transfer of data to foreign authorities and health and/or aid organisations in the event of crises and disasters are § 10 Data Protection Act (processing of personal data in the event of disasters) Part 2 of the Appendix to § 2 of the Bundesministeriengesetz 1986 (Federal Ministries Act of 1986, protection of Austrian citizens abroad) and Art. 5 lit e of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (helping and assisting nationals of the sending State).

Austrians living and/or travelling abroad as well as their family members have the opportunity to register. Registration is based on your consent and can be revoked at any time. If you register, your data will be processed for the following purposes:

For Austrians travelling abroad:

Data is processed with a view to enabling the provision of support to Austrians travelling abroad and fellow travellers (non-Austrians) in the event of a major crisis and emergency or danger to life or health. For this purpose and using the personal data you have provided, the respective Austrian representation abroad may contact you and the contact persons you have indicated in situations where your life or your health is at risk and the exercise of consular protection becomes necessary. If necessary, contact may also be established by the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs to whom contact data will be disclosed if required. In the event of an extraordinary crisis or emergency, local institutions (such as the Red Cross or Tourist Police services) may also be involved. The personal data you provide when registering your trip will be automatically deleted 14 days after your trip has ended.

For Austrians living abroad:

Data is processed with a view to enabling the quick and reliable establishment of contact by the respective Austrian representation authority. For this purpose and using the personal data provided, the respective Austrian representation abroad may contact (i.e. by post, telephone, text message or email) Austrians living abroad and their relatives (non-Austrians) for the reasons outlined below. If necessary, contact may also be established by the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs to whom contact data will be disclosed if required.

These reasons are: 

  • situations in which life or health are at risk and consular protection is required (e.g. assistance with repatriation after an accident or in the event of serious illness);
  • notifications on consular matters (e.g. civil status, citizenship, elections, passport, inheritance, financial distress etc.);
  • sharing of information (for instance on important changes to legislation, on topics relevant to Austrians living abroad, on cultural and/or social events organised by the respective Austrian representation authority). 
Consular services

The provision of consular services to Austrians living abroad makes up an important part of our activities abroad. In this context, your personal data will be processed on the basis of and in accordance with the relevant legal provisions.

These services include inter alia:

  • issuing identity documents or civil status documents,
  • authentications,
  • citizenship matters,
  • information on criminal records.
Representation of Austrian interests in the receiving state and contacts with the latter

In the context of the execution of the tasks (including representation activities in the host country, promotion of bilateral contacts, events, applications for honours, maintaining contacts with official and private bodies in the host country, organisation of state visits etc.) assigned to the Austrian representations abroad, personal data is processed. Such data processing is performed on the legal basis and/or in the public interest in the context of the tasks assigned to the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs (Bundesministeriengesetz 1986, Austrian Federal Ministries Act of 1986, Part 2 of the Appendix to § 2; representation of the Republic of Austria vis-à-vis foreign states and other subjects of international law, including international organisations, as well as communication with the latter, matters of official protocol between Austria and other nations, matters concerning honours involving foreign nationals or foreign honours and titles, matters concerning cultural relations with other nations; Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations).

Image processing

At events, we take photos and make videos for documentation purposes and to provide information about the activities of the Ministry for European and International Affairs, a selection of which may be published on the website of the Ministry for European and International Affairs, its social media channels and in its print media. We process this data with your consent or in the public interest (Art. 6 para. 1 lit a and e of the General Data Protection Regulation). If you do not agree to image processing, please contact us prior to participating in the event. Furthermore, you may also withdraw your consent or object to the use of your data at any time, including after the event.

Other processing

For more detailed information on special data processing, please see the respective application. The department or representation authority that has collected or processed your data will also be pleased to answer any questions related to data protection. 


The Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs does not generate personal user profiles. 

Duration of processing

Unless otherwise specified, personal data is recorded in accordance with the Büroordnung 2004 (Office Rules of 2004 based on § 12 Federal Ministries Act of 1986).

Personal data collected for the purpose of maintaining contacts or event management will be stored – subject to any documentation required due to the Office Rules or for invoicing purposes – until the purpose has been fulfilled or consent is revoked. 

Disclosure of personal data to third parties

Unless otherwise specifically indicated, data processed by the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs will only be transferred to third parties if we are required to do so by law or court order.

Apart from such cases, no data will be transferred to third parties for commercial or non-commercial purposes without your explicit consent.

Your rights

Data subjects’ rights

You have the general right to information, rectification, deletion, restriction, data transferability, revocation and objection.

You have the right to information regarding the processing of your personal data by the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs in accordance with Art. 15 GDPR. For this purpose, please contact the relevant department or representative authority that has collected your personal data or that you have had contact with. If you do not know which department or agency is responsible for processing your personal data, please contact post(at)

Please inform us if your data processed by us is not correct. We will correct this data without delay and inform you that it has been corrected.

If data is processed based on your consent, you can revoke your consent at any time. This does, however, not affect the legality of data processing by the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs performed on the basis of your consent until the latter has been revoked.

If data is processed in the public interest, you have the opportunity to object to the processing of such data. In such a case, the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs will refrain from further processing your data unless there are compelling reasons relating to the public interest that make further processing necessary.

If you no longer wish us to process your personal data, you may exercise your right to deletion of your personal data. Consequently, your data is deleted immediately provided we are not required by law to retain your data based on legal retention provisions. If you contact us in connection with a business case (applications, requests, notices, complaints and other communications that you submit and that require processing), we are required in accordance with the principles of traceability and legality of the public administration set out in the Büroordnung 2004 (Office Rules of 2004) to record and process your requests in line with the relevant retention periods. In individual cases, archiving may also be required in accordance with the Bundesarchivgesetz (Federal Archives Act).

Protection of minors

Persons under the age of 14 should not transmit any personal data to us without the consent of their parents or legal guardians. Unless it is officially required to do so (for instance within the context of providing consular support to underage Austrians), the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs does not request any personal data from children and adolescents. Unless officially required, such data is neither collected nor passed on to third parties.

Lodging a complaint with the data protection authority

If you are of the opinion that the processing of your data violates data protection provisions or that your rights under data protection law have otherwise been infringed, you have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority. In Austria this is the Datenschutzbehörde (Austrian Data Protection Authority):

Österreichische Datenschutzbehörde
Austrian Data Protection Authority
Barichgasse 40-42
A-1030 Wien
E-Mail: dsb(at)


You can reach us at:

Austrian Cultural Forum Bucharest

7 Dumbrava Roșie Street
020461 Bucharest, Romania

Phone : +40 21 201 56 21
Fax: +40 21 210 08 85
